Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What are the chances??

Oh ya, I forgot one more thing. So I was driving through the literal middle of nowhere in British Columbia today. And since there are no cops anywhere I was cruising along at top speed. And I came upon a car that had what else but a Miguel's sticker on the back. A MIGUEL'S STICKER!!! For those of you outside of the state of Kentucky, this means nothing. But Miguel's is a pizza/climbing shop nestled in the foothills of Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge. Its tiny and in the middle of the woods and has the best pizza on earth. And apparently Miguel's has international fame. Who knew?


Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

AWESOME! That's too funny...

Thanks for posting a blog. We were all trying to figure out where you might be yesterday. We're praying that you have a safe trip! (Kevin has been crying in his office all week...)

Krista said...

So I just got this auto reply from you saying you were gone...sad. Just a work email, but like you care you aren't there. I remember when you told me you would never blog...I am so laughing at you right now!

This is VERY EXCITING! Alaska has been my one place on earth I really want to see....so yup, I am jealous. Can't wait to read up on all the stories you will have!

Have a safe trip!

Brianne said...

ooooh miguel's! what I wouldn't give to temporarily be transported there with you and eddie, and then continue on w/ our seperate (but not in our hearts) westward migration.

Chris said...

Actually I have seen Miguel's mentioned in some travel magazine. Either National Geographic Explorer or Nat Geo Adventure. Can't remember which. It's apparently VERY well known with climbers. I, being more-or-less landbound have more of an affinity for Joe Bologna's.


Green Sheaves said...

Miquel's Pizza is supreme (topped only, in my experience, by DaVinci's Pizza in Nashville TN)- but I live only 5 minutes from Miguel's. I was in Albuquerque a couple of years ago and the climbers there were very familiar with them.